Thursday, January 24, 2008


Childrens’ Arts Festival

14th to 19th November, 2008

Salabhamela – Children’s festival is the largest of its kind in the state, second only to the State Schools Youth Festival organized by the Department of Education, Government of Kerala. This program is the most colorful one that is conducted in the entire state by the children and more than 10000 participants attends for various competitions in dance music and arts.

This year it has been decided to dedicate this festival for world peace. And to pay homage to Gandhiji on his 60th year of martyrdom.

More than a lakh students and parents together will be attending the function during the 5 days of festival.

The closing ceremony of the program is a grand function to be attended by more than 1,00,000 lakh people, with colorful processions and fanfare.

Highlights of the program

1. The largest event of the children next only to State Schools Youth Festival organized by the Dept. of Education, Government of Kerala.
2. Participated by more than 10,000 contestants from all over the state.
3. Attended by more than one lakh people at the minimum, calculation based on last year’s turnout.
4. State wide coverage by all Medias both print and electronic.
5. Closing ceremony to have the presence of popular cine and TV artists, and will be one of the most colorful events of the year with cultural programs presented by bigwigs of arts and cine fields.

Competitions shall be in four categories namely Thalir Thrangam, Kathir Tharangam, Malar Tharangam and Nira Tharangam depending upon the age of the particiapants. Altogether competitions will be held for 48 items comprising of dance, music, elocution, painting, poem reciting, drama, mimicry, monoact, tablo etc.

The event shall be held at Trivandrum and will last for 5 days.

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